We especially love how the painted and stenciled floor rug centered perfectly under the dining room table - it literally transforms the room! "It was a fabulous solution and so easy to take care of! Stencils are key in design because you can choose your own patterns and alter the colors to fit your lifestyle," Peggy says. She also shares that she has received many compliments on the project from her friends and she will be tackling her basement floor next. Peggy has been so inspired by the combination of stencils and Chalk Paint®, that she created a new series of mixed media paintings for her Etsy Shop, PeggitysGarden. Thank you, Peggy, for graciously sharing your stenciled floor project with us. It's always wonderful for us to see our stencil patterns used in such creative ways! If you, too, have had a similar design dilemma with a stencil fix, let us know about it at projects@royaldesignstudio.com!
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